Saturday, October 13, 2012

Long weekend :)

long weekends are the best ;) i just love relaxing and having nothing to do, its the best feeling in the world:) since its a long weekend my family decided to go up to the mountains on Friday night! It was so pretty! i love how calm it is <3 here's a picture i took while i was there :)
well today is Saturday so we have not much to do besides go to my brothers football game :) i will probably spend the rest for this Saturday on YouTube:) i have a music YouTube channel!
but i really like looking at beauty videos :) haha:) should i do beauty related post on this blog? send me your feedback! i would love to know if y'all would like that! i think it would be kinna fun :)
well that's all for now! ill probably post more later!
all my love<3,
Catie :)

follow me on twitter!! ----LINK----->


Saturday, September 1, 2012


well i haven't posted anything in a while so i thought i would update everyone on whats been going on in my life :) i started school about two weeks ago and its been OK :) 8th grade is defiantly a HUGE change for me so its been a little weird adjusting to a new schedule and stuff. I have made a few new friends as well! they are all super sweet:) i miss summer a lot though and the beach and lake and pool and just every aspect of summer, but on the bright side its labor day weekend so i get Monday off of school!  i feel like not alot of people read this but haha its ok :) tell me if you have any ideas about what i should post about! lots of loveeeee, Catie <3

heres a picture of me for yall to see!! its when i meet Austin Mahone!! AHHH!I was freaking out!! I had NO VOICE after the concert for like four days :)  Im the one on the far left :)) 

Find me on YouTube!! (my latest video linked here!:))

follow me on Twitter!!!


Monday, July 23, 2012


well i love doing random post where i talk about whatever i feel like. I'm being a YouTube addict and looking back and forth from Blogger to YouTube. I'm not sure why i love it so much i just do :) so hows everyone's life? mine is going amazing. I'm supper happy i won a talent show (my age division because there was no overall winner) at the Miss South Carolina pageant. I did the Palmetto Princess program for our new Miss South Carolina 2012 the one and only Ali Rogers :) I love her so much :) i am going to possibly blog about that whole week and when i go to Miss America :) so I'm still kinna stumped on what to post on here and Tumblr. (you can follow me there too nevergivup147 same as my YouTube :)) They are basically the same thing but i still post on both but i like the format on here better :) well I'm going to leave you with an awesome quote i found off the Internet today. "All our dreams can come true,if we have the courage to pursue them." -Walt Disney (my new favorite quote i got off of That's like my new life motto hah :) :) I LOVE YOU ALL :) - Catie
Well i have a YouTube channel and I'm in absolute love with it. No kidding i spend like all my free time on YouTube :) Anyways, the point of this post is to ask you guys to please look up my channel!! It would mean the world to me!! I have worked really hard on each performance i put up! I don't normally do video request because no one has really given me any but if i start to get some i will defiantly do them:) If you like my videos please rate, comment, subscribe and spread the word to your friends :) I LOVE YOU ALL !! - Catie :)


Friday, June 22, 2012

What to post.......

well im kinna have no clue what to post on..... can anyone give me some ideas? im open to just about anyting :)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Summer 2012❤

Summer is personally my favorite time of year! I love to be able to hang out with family and friends whenever you want to, and have a little time to relax after a long school year. Some of my favorite summer activities are swimming, going to the beach, hanging out with my friends and family, reading, and also preparing for another school year! :) I also like to make DIY (do it yourself) stuff like braclets. Be sure to check out my other blogs and more coming soon :)

Friday, April 13, 2012

Well as many may not know, I am obsessed with THE HUNGER GAMES :) As you know the movie came out in March and I went to the MIDNIGHT PREMIRE and it was AMAZING!! I would deffinatly say ages 12 or 13 and up. There is alot of violience and a few words. But other than that IT WAS THE MOST AMZING THING I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE <3<3<3
Heres the preview :)
Pretty EPIC!!
And by the way IM TEAM PEETA <3